Paint with Faith
Paint with Faith
Opening hours
Miami, Florida
Please ensure accuracy when booking the number of attendees for Paint With Faith programs, as you will be charged based on the specified count. Notify us promptly of any changes to avoid discrepancies.
Active Senior Citizens: Minimum 10 People ($15 is per person)
Community Group/Non-Profit/ Corporate Workshop: Minimum 10 People($30 is per person)
Adult Class: Minimum 10 People (Private Event) ($35 is per person)

Explore you "Inner Artist" and your ability to create, while munching on delicious snacks with friends and family.
Looking for a new way to have fun with friends? You found one. Need to bond with family in a unique way? Looking for a fellowship event? Well, stop right now! With Paint with Faith, you can all be expressive in art and have something to take home. No need to be great, because you can do all things when you Paint with Faith!
- Alex·
David was amazing, very smoothly. We love the part where everybody sing. Definitely, the residents loved this relaxing and unique experience with Paint with Faith.
- Charline Joseph·
Today was a great day and we did a zebra today and the kids enjoyed it that was something new first time and it looks very well on my wall thanks Paint With Faith and also the staff
- David Wright·
Paint with Faith is a spiritual and creatively engaging event. We found that our 50 plus kids mostly followed the instructions and was able to complete their project with fun, and freedom to accept the results. Mr. Davis emphasized to our group they can be anything they want to be. That life is a blank canvas, and they can create as they go, and make corrections as they grow. I would recommend the Paint with Faith experience to everyone!